LMCS/RCS Merger News in white on a red to blue gradient screen

The newly formed Livingston Manor - Roscoe Central School District will host a town hall meeting to discuss the formation of the newly established district's school board. The event, to be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 9, in the Livingston Manor Central School auditorium, will allow residents, families and community stakeholders to learn more about this merger and the formation of the new seven-member school board. Those who cannot attend the meeting in person will be able to view the meeting at https://e2ccb-gst.zoom.us/j/99763154159. Questions will be taken in person at the meeting; however, they will not be accepted through the live stream. Those who cannot attend in person but have questions may ask them in advance using the following link: https://tinyurl.com/LM-RCSDschoolboardquestions.

The meeting will also highlight upcoming milestones in the merger process and provide information on how residents can stay involved.

For more information, contact Superintendent John Evans at john.evans@lmcs.us, jevans@roscoe.k12.ny.us, 607-498-4126, ext. 6105, or 845-439-4400, ext. 1201.