Come out and support our girls varsity soccer team in its first match of the year. The girls will scrimmage Middletown at Livingston Manor at 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 1.

Staff is back and ready to get the year started. LMCS and Roscoe held a joint conference day at RCS on Wednesday, Aug. 31. Faculty and staff from both districts heard updates from Superintendent John Evans, listened to an entertaining and informative presentation from Dr. Stephen “Bird” Bichak, enjoyed a lunch and heard a presentation on the proposed merger of the school. Livingston Manor will have a second conference day at LMCS on Thursday, Sept. 1. We all look forward to see our students on Tuesday, Sept. 6!

Our district is proud to announce that our school will be operating under the Community Eligibility Program for the 2022-23 school year. What this means is that all students in the district are able to have a full breakfast and lunch free of charge; however a la carte items such as snacks, second lunches, and extra lunches are charged at the price set forth by the Livingston Manor Central School Cafeteria. Please fill out the income form found at the following link: https://family.titank12.com/income-form/new?identifier=QSK3UK. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Cafeteria
Manager at 845-439-4400, ext.1223.

It's been busy here at LMCS with the summer program. Visit our Facebook page to see photos of what the kids have been up to.

On Tuesday, July 19, from 8:15 to 10 a.m. the school doctor, Dr. Trivedi, will be n the nurse's office for sport physicals and physicals at no charge.
Any student playing a sport is required to have a yearly physical. This physical will be valid for the 2022-23 sport season.
Also, any student in seventh, ninth or 11th grade is required by New York State to have a physical. This physical is also valid for working papers.
A parent or guardian need not attend but is suggested. No appointment is needed. Please use the "bus door" to enter the building.
If you have any questions, please call the nurse at, 845-439-4400, ext 1214.

We wish you a safe and happy Fourth of July!

Kateri Smith, daughter of first grade teacher Barbara Smith, recently collected a contest prize from a Junior Class event earlier in the year. Kateri got to ride to school with SRO Jason Beebe!

Congratulations Class of 2022 graduates! We are so proud of how much you have accomplished and look forward to your futures. If you missed the ceremony, see it here: https://boxcast.tv/view/lmcs-high-school-graduation-commencement-ceremony-10am-jadkyo9f4qbisaevfqcu . Also look to Facebook for more photos.

Graduation will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 25, in the new gymnasium. Can't make it? The event will be livestreamed at https://boxcast.tv/view/lmcs-high-school-graduation-commencement-ceremony-10am-jadkyo9f4qbisaevfqcu

The Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre is in the middle of a yearlong strategic planning process that will guide its work for the next three to five years. The goal is to make the art center a bigger and a positive presence in our region and they want to make sure they are offering the programs that people want and need. The survey closes on June 30, and is available in English and Spanish. To take the survey, visit https://form.jotform.com/221154089080047

Don't miss the sixth-grade stepping up ceremony. It will be livestreamed at 9 a.m. Wednesday at https://boxcast.tv/view/6th-grade-step-up-ceremony-itkp5xbv4fpjte1mqrhn.

Sullivan BOCES held its commencement ceremony on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, for the Rubin Pollack Education Center at the Clubhouse at Villa Roma. Family, teachers and school administrators came together to honor 21 graduates for their educational achievements. The Class of 2022 includes the following LMCS students: Avery Hund-Gately, Christian Ramirez and Deric Young

School's not quite finished for our Class of 2022. (Graduation is just a week away) But the seniors had some fun away from school on their class trip to Lake George last weekend. #LMCSClassof2022

Livingston Manor was well-represented at Saturday's Trout Parade, #trouterspace, in Livingston Manor. LMCS Interact represented and supported A Single Bite; Edwin Peet along with fellow members of the Class of 2025 teamed up with the Girl Scouts; and The Middle School Band rocked the Trout Parade with a little help from the two banner carriers (Jace and Alex), four high school musicians, and LMCS alumni Brandon Sparkman. A job well done by all!

Watch our pre-K class graduate on Friday. The ceremony will begin at 1 p.m. and will be livestreamed here: https://boxcast.tv/view/lmcs-pre-k-graduation-ceremony-1pm-ahivus53kvnesrbrz5uw

The fifth and sixth graders at LMCS recently visited the iconic Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. They also gave their best Statue of Liberty impressions.

1, 2, 3, 4 ... we declare a prank war. The Seniors had their annual prank day today, starting by "creatively" parking their cars, covering the school with streamers and putting the school up for sale with a sign outside the senior lounge. SRO Beebe and tech teacher Dave Hubert paid the students back by covering their cars with streamers and placing a sign declaring their parking area a junk yard. The students repaid the favor by covering Beebe's and Hubert's vehicles with the streamers and moving the "junk yard" sign.

On Tuesday, June 7, Sullivan 180 hosted its Empowering a Healthier Generation Celebration at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts. The purpose of the Empowering a Healthier Generation Program is to engage Sullivan County School Districts in promoting health and wellness among students, staff, parents and their communities. Livingston Manor received a $500 Turtle Award for its work on nutrition, including: The Farm to School program; The Edible Garden being used in cafeteria and the new FFA program approved this year, which has taken a leading role in the maintenance and upcoming expansion for the garden Promoting water in all classrooms; Stephen Rogers, the cafeteria manager, working closely with CCE and Roscoe to enhance farm to school efforts and nutrition in cafeterias; The Wellness Committee focusing on healthy, food, celebrations, and fundraising in the coming school year; The cafeteria working with Cornell Cooperative Extension to develop ways the cafeteria can support healthy celebration initiatives in the classroom.

As the year comes to a close, the last couple weeks will be a busy ones for the Elementary School. Field Day for first through sixth grade students will be June 16. There will be early dismissal at 11:30 a.m. June 17, with Pre-K graduation at 1 p.m. School will be closed June 20 for Juneteenth. The K-2 Elementary Awards Assembly will be at 8:30 a.m. June 21, with the third through fifth grades Awards Assembly at 9:30 a.m. and early dismissal at 11:30 a.m. The sixth grade Step Up ceremony will be at 9 a.m. June 22, with early dismissal at 11:30 a.m. June 23 is the last day of school and will be a half day with early dismissal at 11:30 a.m.

The Livingston Manor High School Student Council Academic Awards Breakfast on May 25. The awards recognized students who had the highest GPA and the most overall improvement over the year in high school courses. Select students were also recognized for their placement on the honor rolls.